giovedì 4 giugno 2020

Hello World!

Hello World!
My name is Luigi Vanacore. To start this blog, I would like to introduce myself. I'm mainly a computer engineer for work, but interested in computer science and everything that revolves around it for passion. I'm specialized in Software Development and Cloud Computing, but out of passion I have also been interested in other areas such as Software Engineer, Game Development, Machine Learning etc.
I wanted to start this blog so to have a place to discuss in freedom a lot of different arguments, and I hope to present some my personal idea about the projects that I will take on.
I'm especially interested about combining my knowledge in Cloud Computing and Game Development.
It seems that the next frontier for the Game Development it is to use the power and the possibilities of Cloud Computing in terms of Elasticity and Scalability of computing resources. So I would like to discuss this from my point of view.
I hope that who will come here will find interesting discussion.
Ok, so let's start!